Ruba Homaidi

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Are you interested in getting to the roots of your Allergies?

First an update!

The last few months have been full of excitement on many levels professionally, putting the final touches on the Allergy Detective App©, preparing for the training program on using it to find the root causes of Allergies (with my teacher/mentor and now partner in this project, the beautiful Sandi Radomski) and finally joining her last month at the ACEP (Association for Energy Psychology) conference to demonstrate it’s application and use!

At ACEP Sandi explained her concept of Allergies, taught the basics of a fascinating energy psychology tool that she developed with Tom Altaffer and demonstrated several ways of handling Allergies live on stage. I presented the new App, and demonstrated how it helps us go deeper in our work with Allergies.

As a bonus we also had some cool professional photos taken for our new website, which was so much fun (thanks Doug Ellis).

If you are curious you can watch segments of the ACEP talk HERE.

The Allergy Detective App©

The Allergy Detective App© is a 200 page tool with which I organised Sandi’s life work on Allergies into an easily navigable system of mind-maps, that helps get to the root of common and uncommon allergies (and proposes simple energy psychology techniques for clearing them). It is aimed at both individuals who are looking for a simple self-help tool for exploring their own allergies, and certified therapists in other energy psychology techniques who would like to add it to their arsenal of tools.

Sandi and I are now preparing for our “Debut” Webinar for our program on the 17th of July 2019 (if you are interested in joining us there and learning all about this program, please Sign-up Here so you can receive updates and reminders regarding the exact date and time).

Looking forward to see you there!
