Terms & Conditions
The Coaching and Other Holistic Counselling Services provided by Ruba Homaidi, are available face to face, through the phone/online call providers and otherwise through media articles and e-books.
This website and relevant material are the copy right of rubahomaidi.com
I, Ruba Homaidi, am not a Psychiatrist ,Psychologist or Medical Practitioner of any sort, and do not at any time or in any way, provide medical or other type of unsolicited advice to my clients.
I do however, provide, questions, suggestions, resources, and tools which may help the client raise their awareness of themselves, their options, situation/ health issue, which may support the client in making their own current and future decisions, including the choice and ability to take action.
The client and user of this site is fully responsible for all of their own choices and actions, there is no guarantee provided for specific results, and thus the client will not hold Ruba Homaidi and any other related party liable.
I am committed to your privacy; your information, data, contact details, and relevant information about you in a session will be treated with uttermost discretion.
Payment & Pricing Terms
Fees for the chosen program is to be settled in full according to the terms agreed.
Price provided to you upon enrolment is guaranteed to remain the same for SIX MONTHS from the date of enrolment, after which the current applicable per hour rate, stated on this website, will apply.
All cancellation and rescheduling is to be made at least one day before the session, by either the coach or client.
Late Arrival & No Shows
No refunds will be made for recurrent late arrivals, no shows, or cancellations made within less than 24 Hours. Single occurrences will be considered at the full discretion of the coach.
Code of Ethics
Needless to say, this relationship is conducted within the general code of ethics. To refer to the Coach Federation Code of Ethics, which I also abide with, please go HERE.
Business Agreement
My offer and your Affirmative acceptance (email or whatsapp) is an ethical agreement on both sides, and accepting it constitutes that you have read and agreed to all of the above terms of reference.
All questions, comments, and/ or concerns about the above terms and disclaimers are to be addressed directly by Ruba Homaidi.